Carpet Maintenance & Cleaning
Routine maintenance
- Regular dust cleaning with vacuum cleaner .
- Remove the stains on the carpet in time.
- In order to make the carpet long-term bright as new, sometimes need to soak with cotton cloth cold water wipe the surface of the carpet.
- Carpet should avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Guidelines or cleaning instructions
- When the dirt is dusted or splashed on the carpet surface, it should be cleaned immediately to save time and reduce damage.
- When contamination occurs:
Use tissue or hygroscopic cloth to remove excess liquid, and use one end of shovel or spoon to remove hard dirt on carpet.
Pour the carpet detergent onto a clean towel or cloth, and do not directly contact the dirt on the carpet. The amount of use should be less. Clean from the outer edge of the stain to the center to prevent the expansion of the stain area. Do not brush or make the pile too wet. Otherwise, the stain area will expand and the pile yarn will change.
Then, use a clean towel to remove moisture as much as possible to ensure that the carpet is as dry as possible.